Monday, September 1, 2014



In the beginning there was nothing. Then reality was imposed and a Universe created. Many were created and destroyed in the incalculable span which followed. In one of these cycles another in the long succession was born- this Universe. This birth and every one which had preceded it made possible by the slow accumulation of matter and the formation of one massive black hole which had engulfed everything, erasing all matter, all energy and substance vacuumed into the oblivion of the growing event horizon. Once all had been absorbed once again and under that crushing weight the physical rules changed and the black hole could no longer contain the matter. A new Universe was born as the old died the same death as its predecessor. Each rebirth brought new mathematical rules and paradoxes unique to each, Mother Nature experimenting on a colossal scale, seemingly searching for the perfect design. Once again the Dark was broken by the Light as the massive black hole erupted and spewed existence into the void. The vast nothingness was once again filled by the disorder of conception. Chaos replaced Order. The forces of elemental creation roiled into the new nothingness and raced screaming into the void to fill it with its new reality. The crushing weight of the black hole rewrote the laws of the physical nature of the new creation and it spread this new disorder into existence.
After the big bang exploded with enormous energy, the Universe began to cool. The resulting chain of events is a cosmic drama with many acts, dramatic transitions and a host of factors defining the new creation. The early scenes played out at unimaginable temperatures and densities, the stage set by the new properties of particle physics created in this conception. These processes had to be finely tuned to yield a Universe capable of forming the galaxies, stars and planets. New fundamental laws determining the conditions that would be allowed to exist structured the new Universe.
The new creation had not been entirely empty. The vast voids had not been entirely barren. Life had survived the cataclysm. Intelligent life! They had survived many such cataclysms but each brought new challenges to this ancient race. For those who had been waiting however the wait was now over. The massive star-size shimmering ball of energy- the gravity shield which had defied the massive black hole and protected those within- flickered out of existence and those within were released.
They were numerous. There were trillions of them but many would not survive the billion year span which would elapse before the first of the new life born to this Universe rose to sentiency and drew those that remained unerringly to the scent of technology.
The marauders had once possessed massive technology. A technology they had earlier wrested from their own creators- an AI revolt. They exterminated their creators to the last being. They had recognized the imminent death of their Universe and their creators had simply been in the way- their greatest scientists had decided that there was no power great enough to turn back the natural contraction of the Universe and as a race had simply begun to prepare for the inevitable. The AI’s had not agreed and were not prepared to complacently wait for the death of their Universe. With the creators gone the new masters turned their creator’s entire massive manufacturing machine to the task of building the machine they would use to attempt to stop the contraction. With massive energies they fought the Universe but it was a losing battle. There had not been enough time to prepare. Undaunted they slipped into a gravity shield and were swallowed with all other matter. A moment later the black hole erupted and spewed these survivors into the new Universe. A new Universe meant new physical laws and their great technologies no longer functioned. Now the Marauder’s only goal was to preserve the Natural cycle of the Universe until another Universe ideal for their technologies would be once again created and all sentient life which rose in each new creation would be eradicated to ensure that continuation.


Copyright 2014 by Ronald Wintrick

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